Made in Heaven is a web series that explores the complexities of Indian society through the lens of weddings. The second season, which was released on August 10, 2023, continues the story of two wedding planners, Tara and Karan, who face new challenges and opportunities in their business and personal lives. The season consists of seven episodes, each featuring a different wedding story that touches upon various themes such as racism, casteism, infidelity, polygamy, homosexuality, feminism, and more. In this article, we will review the second season and discuss its strengths and weaknesses.
Made in Heaven Season 2 Review: 6 Key Takeaways
Bollywood • 10 Aug, 2023 • 4,063 Views • ⭐ 5.0
Written by Anand Swami
Plot: 3.5/5
The plot is engaging and intriguing, as it delves deeper into the lives of Tara and Karan and their clients. The season explores different versions of “happily ever after” and exposes the dark realities behind the glamorous facade of Indian weddings. The season also raises some pertinent questions about the role of tradition, modernity, and morality in Indian society and culture. However, the plot also suffers from some flaws, such as being too preachy, melodramatic, and unrealistic at times.
Characters: 4/5
The characters are well-written and well-acted by a talented ensemble cast. Sobhita Dhulipala and Arjun Mathur deliver stellar performances as Tara and Karan, who undergo significant transformations in their personal and professional lives. They portray their characters with nuance and depth, making them relatable and sympathetic. The supporting characters are also well-developed and interesting, especially Bulbul Jauhari (Mona Singh) and Meher Chaudhry (Trinetra Haldar), who add new dimensions to the show.
Direction: 4/5
The direction is commendable, as it captures the essence and mood of the show. The directors - Zoya Akhtar, Reema Kagti, Alankrita Shrivastava, Neeraj Ghaywan, and Nitya Mehra - have distinct styles and visions that complement each other. They manage to balance the drama, humour, romance, and suspense in each episode. They also handle sensitive topics with care and empathy.