India has a rich and diverse film industry, producing movies in various languages, genres, and themes. Every year, a selection committee appointed by the Film Federation of India chooses one movie as India's official entry for the Academy Awards or Oscars. The Oscars are the most prestigious awards in the world of cinema, and every year, filmmakers from around the world compete to win them. Let's take a look at India's official entries to the Oscars 2023.
A Look at India's Official Entries to Oscars 2023
Bollywood • 9 Mar, 2023 • 7,211 Views • ⭐ 5.0
Written by Shivani Chourasia
RRR is an Indian Telugu-language period action film directed by S. S. Rajamouli. The film features Jr. NTR, Ram Charan, Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn in the lead roles. The film is set in the 1920s and revolves around the lives of two freedom fighters in India, who fight against the British Raj and the Nizam of Hyderabad. The film is highly appreciated by fans and is a blockbuster in India.
Chhello Show
Chhello Show is a short film based on the story of a little kid with not-so-little dreams. The story revolves around the 35mm dreams of Samay. It has received positive reviews from both critics and audiences alike.
All That Breathes
All That Breathes is an Indian Hindi-language drama film directed by Yashaswi Shrivastava. The film follows the life of a young Delhi boy who becomes a part of a street gang. The film deals with themes such as friendship, love, and redemption. The film has received critical acclaim for its realistic portrayal of life on the streets of Delhi.